Association of Chinese Enterprise Architects, a|CEA
SBC叢書作者: 架構學說創始人 趙善中 博士
Dr. William S. Chao (趙善中)為國際知名的學者,SBC (Structure-Behavior Coalescence) 架構學說創始人,被稱為架構學之父。SBC是企業架構理論的基礎,全世界的企業架構學派,在形式上變化多端,但其本質不變,最終都歸於趙博士的「結構行為合一」,即所謂的「萬法歸宗」。畢生著作無數,為台灣之光。

Enterprise Architecture Good Practices Guide: How to Manage the Enterprise Architecture Practice
by Jaap Schekkerman
The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance to organization’s in initiating, developing, using, and maintaining their enterprise architecture (EA) practice. This guide offers a set of Enterprise Architecture.

Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis
by Marc Lankhorst
Lankhorst and his co‑authors present ArchiMate® 3.0, enterprise modelling language that captures the complexity of architectural domains and their relations and allows the construction of integrated enterprise architecture models. They provide architects with concrete instruments that improve their architectural practice. As this is not enough, they additionally present techniques and heuristics for communicating with all relevant stakeholders about these architectures.

A Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture
by James McGovern, Scott W. Ambler, Michael E. Stevens, James Linn, Vikas Sharan, Elias K. Jo
In A Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture, six leading experts present indispensable technical, process, and business insight into every aspect of enterprise architecture. You’ll find start-to-finish guidance for architecting effective system, software, and service-oriented architectures; using product lines to streamline enterprise software design; leveraging powerful agile modeling techniques; extending the Unified Process to the full software lifecycle.

ARIS – Business Process Frameworks
by August-Wilhelm Scheer
ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) is a unique and internationally renowned method for optimizing business processes and implementing application systems. This book enhances the proven ARIS concept by describing product flows and explaining how to classify modern software concepts. The importance of the link between business process organization and strategic management is stressed.

Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture
by David C. Hay
Thousands of software projects are doomed because they’re based on a faulty understanding of the business problem that needs to be solved. Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture is the solution. David C. Hay brings together the world’s best requirements analysis practices from two key viewpoints: system development life cycle and architectural framework.

Handbook on Enterprise Architecture
by Peter Bernus, Laszlo Nemes, Günter Schmidt
This handbook is about methods, tools and examples of how to architect an enterprise through considering all life cycle aspects of Enterprise Entities. It is based on ISO15704:2000, or the GERAM Framework. A wide audience is addressed, as the handbook covers methods and tools necessary to design or redesign enterprises, as well as those necessary to structure the implementation into manageable projects.

Enterprise Architectures And Digital Administration: Planning, Design, And Assessment
by Ambrose Goikoetxea
This is the first book that addresses all three main activities in improving business and technology decisions: the planning, design and assessment of enterprise architectures (Eas). Emphasis is on medium and large-size organizations in the private sector (such as banks, airlines and auto industries) and the public sector (such as federal agencies, local government organizations and military services in the Department of Defense).

Enterprise Architecture Using the Zachman Framework (MIS)
by Carol ORourke, Neal Fishman, Warren Selkow
Introduces the concept of Enterprise Architecture, using the Framework developed by John Zachman, to business and MIS students and professionals.

Emerging Trends And Challenges in Information Technology Management
by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
The field of information technology continues to impact more organizations worldwide as new technologies and applications are implemented to strengthen everyday business processes. Individuals within these organizations continue to face the challenge of developing and implementing the latest innovative programs that successfully apply information technology applications within various types and sizes of companies and businesses.

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy
by Jeanne W. Ross, Peter Weill, David Robertson
Does it seem you’ve formulated a rock-solid strategy, yet your firm still can’t get ahead? If so, construct a solid foundation for business execution—an IT infrastructure and digitized business processes to automate your company’s core capabilities. The key? Make tough decisions about which processes you must execute well, then implement the IT systems needed to digitize those processes.
個人學習,就是組織學習。個人學習規劃,是從組織的個人觀點,採討開始學習企業架構前,所做的規劃。學習的最終目標,在於充實自己,讓自己擁有建構企業架構的能力。經過了工作崗位的實作成果驗證,進而取得某領域架構師(Domain Architects)的資格。
單位導入包括了政府,企業,或者任何系統的導入。單位導入規劃,是從組織的整體觀點,探討開始導入企業架構前,所做的規劃。導入的最終目標,在於規範框架(Frameworks),提升單位的企業架構能力成熟度(EA Capability Maturity),以利組織轉型及永續經營。
連絡人: 韓孟麒 博士
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LINE: harn2186
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email: harn@takming.edu.tw